Black Copper Marans to APA

APA Recognition qualifying Meet Cattahoochee Valley Poultry Assoc. 7th Annual Show Newnan, GA

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Let me introduce myself.

Hello to everyone out there. I look forward to sharing my wonderful life with poultry with anyone who wants to be a part of it.
My husband and I had just began to raise poultry last year when we started with a 8'x8' shed style coop that my husband built! We thought that would surely be enough space... well it was until this year came along. We began to read about different breeds and guess what, we chose one to begin to specialize in so we needed a separate breeding pen.
On top of this we both agreed that home grown turkey would be much heather and fun to raise. So we needed extra space for the Bourbon red turkeys now. We've ordered 4 to come in June from a hatchery. They're not sexed so we're hoping to get at least one of each sex and plan to butcher the extras after picking the ideal breeding pair of the group. Our hope is that for at least the next couple years we can have the turkeys breed and raise poults (baby turkeys) for us to butcher with out having to buy them each year.
And on top of this new adventure my husband really wanted Indian Runner Ducks. Now there is a strange duck for you. Their thigh is shorter then your typical duck causing their center of balance to be different. Because of this the duck walks upright, like a person, instead of waddling. These ducks are commonly used for training herding dogs. And since we have two herding dogs, my husband's border collie and my blue heeler mix, it just seemed to make some sense.
Anyway, we have just began to build the new coop for the new additions and you are welcome to read on. I'm sure from time to time I might digress to my other hobbies, soap making and attempts at gardening. Please enjoy and comment as you wish.

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